Have you ever loved someone, though you didn’t quite know what to do about it? Maybe it is someone who is your friend, maybe it’s someone you were once romantically connected with, maybe it is someone new in your life — sometimes, the act of love can be very confusing.
We’re struggling but often times can’t pinpoint what we’re struggling with.
Are you in love with that person? Do you still love that person? Should you have let go? Is it worth taking another chance?
Time will help you realize that you DO know the answers to these things. If you dig deep you’ll see that the heart has always had the answers — it’s sorting out the mind that is the trick.
One thing is for certain – if someone matters to you, make sure they know, no matter what that looks like.
Never settle. Even if it means you have to fight. Fight for what you love.
If you’re afraid of losing someone, maybe that means something.
Real love means wanting someone to be happy, no matter what.
Maybe you won’t end up together and that’s ok. Love can morph in many ways.
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Source: diply.com