Woman Cuts Sugar Out Of Her Diet For 28 Years. Can You Guess How Old She Is?
Mother-of-three, Carolyn Hartz, has a bronzed complexion and fit bikini body that women thirty years her junior would envy.
But, can you guess how old she is?
Who is Carolyn Hartz?
Hartz, an Australian native, is celebrating her 70th birthday this July, and credits her physique to cutting sugar from her diet 28 years ago.
“A lot of women post 50 think that it’s not possible to maintain a reasonable shape and weight when they reach 50 or beyond,” the SweetLife founder told Daily Mail Australia.
“I even speak to women who are in their 40s and who have had children and think they cannot regain their post baby body.”
While Hartz acknowledges that it can be a bit more difficult to stay in shape after 40, she maintains it can, “still be possible if you really want to work at it.”
“We know our metabolism slows down as we get older it just means we have to take control and make healthier choices and work a little harder,” she cautions.
Hartz also stressed the importance of being mindful while eating saying, “I believe it is very important to be aware of the type of food you eat and the quantity of food you eat.” She went on to suggest that mindless eating is one of the biggest culprits of unnecessary weight gain.
I say to my customers “taste and enjoy every mouthful… it will help you slow down and you will be less likely to overeat.”
Wow! Would you give up sugar if it meant you looked like that at 70? Click share to get the dialogue going by clicking the button below!