If you have a sensitive stomach, perhaps come back to this article a bit later.
According to results of a study out of the University of Exeter, smelling farts, your own or other people’s, may actually prevent cancer and many other diseases.
Scientist Dr. Mark Wood breaks it down for us.
When our body decomposes food that we eat, it produces hydrogen sulfide gas. It is the natural production of this gas that makes our farts smell.
But, it turns out, the stinky gas could turn out to be a real lifesaver.
Scientists have discovered that it has special qualities that could be significant for the medical treatment of many diseases.
While inhaling large quantities of gaseous air can be lethal, a small huff every now and again is considered healthy and could potentially reduce the risk of getting cancer, heart attacks, strokes, arthritis and even dementia by protecting the mitochondria.
Scientists are even working on a compound that has the same chemical properties in order to scientifically imitate the health benefits of the gas.
University of Exeter Medical School professor Matt Whiteman explains that they have emulated the natural process by making a compound, called AP39 that slowly releases small amounts of the gas to the mitochondria. The significant results have shown that stressed cells that are treated with this sulfide gas substitute are preserved because the mitochondria are protected.
So, maybe we should embrace our loved ones occasionally passing gas in our presence? If you found this article helpful, please share with friends and family by clicking the button below.