New research has revealed that drinking one glass of red wine has the same effect on your body as spending an hour at the gym.
A study conducted by the University of Alberta, Canada concluded that red wine contains resveratrol, a compound similar to what your body produces when you exercise.
- About Resveratrol
Resveratrol is a compound that is present in the skin of berries including red grapes, blueberries, and peanuts.
It is known as a powerful antioxidant produced by plants to protect themselves from environmental hazards.
The skin of red grapes has a high resveratrol content, used primarily to protect against sun damage and fungal diseases.
- How Resveratrol Works
Resveratrol works by protecting the DNA of a cell.
As it is a powerful antioxidant, it can neutralize the free radicals in your body and also keep your cells from getting damaged.
By eliminating the free radicals your body is exposed to, resveratrol can combat many chronic diseases including cancer and brain disorders.
- How Resveratrol Promotes Weight Loss
Those who drink a glass of red wine per day are less likely to gain weight as resveratrol can prevent the growth of fat cells in the body, thus helping to regulate body weight.
The human body uses resveratrol to create a compound called piceatannol, which is responsible for binding the insulin receptors of fat cells, thus cutting off the growth of new fat cells.
- Additional Health Benefits of Drinking Red Wine
- Lowers Cholesterol: the high fiber content in red wine is known to keep your cholesterol levels under check.
- Improves Heart Health: apart from lowering your cholesterol, the antioxidants (polyphenols) present in red wine are known to keep blood vessels flexible and healthy. They also reduce the chances of clogs and clots.
- Improves Brain Function: red wine can also help keep your brain healthy. Research shows that resveratrol can keep brain diseases like Alzheimer’s at bay by preventing plaque from forming in the brain.
- Regulates Blood Sugar: studies show that resveratrol can help those who suffer from diabetes by regulating their blood sugar levels. Researchers are of the opinion that resveratrol has the ability to control insulin secretion and produces a protein that helps with insulin and glucose sensitivity.
- Reduces The Risk Of Stroke: resveratrol eliminates chemicals that are responsible for causing blood clots, which is the leading factor for strokes.
While we’re excited to share the above with wine lovers, we don’t recommend drinking wine in lieu of the gym as there’s no replacement for hard work. But…we fully support using this as motivation to enjoy a guilt free glass of vino post workout!
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