What are the Reasons Babies Cry?
As a new mother, you will confront a slew of challenges. However, one of the most frequently requested questions is how to calm a crying baby. And, because each baby is unique, what worked for one of yours may not work for another.
It’s a never-ending learning process. You might think your infant is “crying for no cause” at times. That, however, is just not the case. Crying is a way for babies to tell you if something is wrong.
Examine this list of reasons why babies cry to determine whether you’ve examined each one as a possible cause of your child’s distress.
1. They are hungry
One of the most prevalent causes of babies crying is because of this. You will eventually discover the cues your baby sends you to indicate that they are hungry before they fully cry.
So you’ll typically be able to detect if they’re hungry or not. However, there are instances when they simply want to nurse or feed for comfort. If you want to help with comfort feeding, you can use a pacifier. You could even get some teething toys!
2. They are in need of a diaper change
Nobody enjoys sitting in a soiled diaper, so it’s easy to understand why they’re irritated. It’s one of the quickest and most straightforward things to rule out.
They frequently blow out of their diapers as babies, which is far more painful than a soiled diaper. I always start by looking for a soiled diaper.
3. They are exhausted
When a baby is tired or exhausted, he or she will be irritable. They will occasionally just fall asleep peacefully. Sometimes they’ll fight it to the death, and sometimes they won’t.
It’s almost as if the more tired they are, the more determined they are to fight. When my daughter’s naps were shorter, she’d go to bed later and resist it, and I observed this a lot. The automobile would always start, and she would be knocked out every time. Swaddling is another tried and tested strategy. These Muslin Swaddles are a lifesaver for me. Magic!
4. They are going through a period of teething
Teething, of course. It’s no surprise that kids cry as their teeth are trying to rip through their gums. Their mouth hurts, and chewing on things helps to reduce the discomfort while also making it worse. They can’t sleep, they can’t eat, and they have no idea why. I’d cry as well. Teething medications or Orajel for babies are a good option.
5. They are ill
When I’m sick, I admit to wanting to cry as an adult. Whether I have a sore throat, a fever, aching muscles, or nausea… I’m in a bad mood. Being sick is inconvenient, and as adults, we have a variety of drugs to choose from, or we can push ourselves to sleep through it. When babies are unwell, they don’t have many options. They are also unaware that they are ill. They only know they’re unhappy, and it’s a drag.
A humidifier, baby Vicks chest rub, and essential oils are the best lifesavers for a sick baby. There are a few over-the-counter drugs that are suitable for babies; just make sure you use the proper dosage, which is decided by weight rather than age.
6. Stomach Ache
Stomach pain in infants can be caused by a variety of factors. Tummy pain is frequently caused by gas, and gas pain is excruciating. It’s a stabbing, acute pain. Try gas drops, burping them, cycling movements, laying them on their backs and bending their knees into their chest while applying gentle pressure to their tummy. You might also try placing them on their backs with their bums in the air.
A food allergy or sensitivity is another prevalent stomach problem. Many babies are allergic to cow’s milk or other proteins. If you’re nursing, try modifying your diet, or if you’re bottle-feeding, try switching formulas. Before making any modifications to your baby’s food, consult your doctor.
7. They’re uneasy
Your baby may be uncomfortably uncomfortable at times. Have you ever tossed and turned in bed, unable to find a comfortable position? It’s aggravating, isn’t it? That also happens to your child.
Perhaps they are either too hot or too cold. My daughter was quite sensitive to temperature changes. For her, it had to be just the correct temperature. Perhaps they simply want to be hugged and comforted. It’s possible that they simply don’t notice you.
Finally, they could be suffering from Colic. Colic has no known causes, however, it is defined as inconsolable crying for an extended period of time. It’s thought to be abdominal discomfort. For parents, this can be quite irritating because nothing seems to make them happy.
But, if you’re unhappy about the crying and how difficult it is, you must remember… Consider how frustrated your infant is; they’re in pain and nothing seems to be helping. Demonstrate empathy, don’t give up, and don’t just let them cry. For their sake, keep trying. Colic normally goes away by the time the baby reaches the age of five months.
I understand how difficult it is to listen to a sobbing infant. But don’t give up. Experiment with various options until you discover something that works. You never know when some things will help that didn’t before. Mama, don’t give up! You’ve got this!
*Whether you’ve exhausted all other options, make an appointment with your pediatrician to discover if there’s something medically wrong that’s causing your infant to cry.
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