Hallelujah. Men, you have reason to rejoice!
A German hospital is taking your runny nose as seriously as you are.
Münster University Hospital in Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia recently opened the doors of an intensive care unit with round the clock care meant specifically for treating male patients suffering from coughs, colds, or both.
Chief Physician Dr. Klaus Schaffers, MD, explains that the “long overdue treatment site” will primarily serve males between the ages of 18 and 85. “It is well known, that this group is particularly severely affected by colds, and therefore need intensive care in order to save their lives.”
Patients with colds start treatment immediately, as they are on their way to intensive care. The affected patient is taken to the hospital by ambulance, with an oxygen mask in place, and accompanied by an emergency doctor. If the patient has a sore throat or clogged nose, a specialist will be requested in advance by radio.
During this time, the patient’s relatives receive psychological support. If the patient’s fever becomes higher than the dangerous level of 99.86 degrees Fahrenheit (37.7 degrees Celsius), a priest from the hospital can be summoned if desired.
“Should our patients actually recover from the flu, of course, we also offer a twelve-week rehabilitation programme”, says Schaffers.
To this day, there are no concrete explanations as to why certain men suffer so frequently from colds that are life-threatening. The first examination results regarding this are expected to be available from the intra-hospital research group in approximately 17 weeks when team leader Kai Triemitz has been completely cured of his cold.
We can all breathe a collective sigh of relief. Head colds are finally getting the attention they deserve.
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