How to get rid of toenail fungus? It’s common for toenail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, to invade your toenails. Toenail discoloration in the form of white, brown, or yellow spots is the most obvious sign of this condition. In addition, it could spread and cause the nails to become thicker or crack, causing them to break or split.
Toenail fungus, whether sandal season or not, isn’t something you want to see on your feet. The good news is that there are a variety of treatments available.
Toenail fungus is traditionally treated with prescription oral antifungals, such as terbinafine (Lamisil) or fluconazole (Diflucan). In many cases, these treatments work well, but they can also cause unpleasant side effects like nausea and dizziness, severe skin problems, and jaundice. As a result, many people opt to use home remedies instead. Here are thirteen popular treatments on how to get rid of toenail fungus.
1. White Vinegar
If you dilute white vinegar, or Acetic Acid, in lukewarm water, the vinegar can be used to remove the fungus. It’s possible that vinegar, with its high acidity, can help eliminate fungal toenail infections, which are common in healthcare facilities.
2. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is a popular home remedy for many skin infections, including fungi. A few drops of the oil can be dabbed onto your toenails twice a day, or you can soak your entire foot in a mixture of oil and water.
3. Vicks VapoRub
To use Vicks VapoRub, apply it to the affected area. Camphor and eucalyptus oil are active ingredients in this cough suppressant, but they may also help treat toenail fungus. Toenail fungus can be treated with Vicks VapoRub, according to a study published in 2011.
At least once a day, rub a small amount of Vicks VapoRub into the affected area.
4. Urea Paste
You can use urea paste purchased over the counter to eliminate the infected part of the toenail. To prevent infection, apply an antifungal cream purchased over the counter. You should, however, consult your local foot doctor first.
5. Listerine
Listerine mouthwash contains antibacterial and antifungal ingredients like menthol, thymol, and eucalyptus. Toenail fungus may be a common folk remedy because of this. Amber-colored Listerine should be poured into a basin and allowed to soak for 30 minutes every day.
6. Pau D’arco Tea
The bark of a South American tree is used to make pau d’arco. If you soak your feet in the tea for 20 minutes twice a day, it can be as effective as prescription antifungal medications.
7. Olive Leaf Extract
In olive leaf extract, a compound called oleuropein is thought to be antifungal, antimicrobial, and immune-boosting.
Olive leaf salve can be applied directly to the nail fungus or as a supplement. Taking one to three olive leaf capsules with meals twice a day is more effective than using olive leaf salve in the treatment of toenail fungus, according to a 2012 review. Drinking a lot of water is recommended during this treatment.
8. Garlic
A look back on 2009, Garlic has antifungal and antimicrobial properties.
Using chopped or crushed garlic cloves on the infected area for 30 minutes daily can help treat toenail fungus. Garlic capsules may be a more effective and less offensive way to treat it from the inside out. The manufacturer’s instructions should be followed.
9. Snakeroot Extract
Extract from snakeroot (Ageratina Pichinchensis) is a natural antifungal.
Cyclophorox, a prescription antifungal medication, is no more effective than the remedy. This research used snakeroot extract, applied to the affected area biweekly for the first month and then once weekly for the next two months.
10. Oregano Oil
Thymol is found in oregano oil. Thymol has antifungal and antibacterial properties, according to a 2016 review.
Apply oregano oil to the infected nail twice daily with a cotton swab to treat toenail fungus. Tea tree oil and oregano oil may be used together by some people. However, there is a possibility of irritation or an allergic reaction with either product. Combining the two may raise this danger even further.
11. Ozonized Oils
This type of oil is made by zone gas into olive oil and sunflower oil, among other types of fat. Using data from a 2011 research, many organisms such as fungi, yeast, and bacteria can be inactive when ozone is exposed to low concentrations for short periods.
Based on their findings, ozonized sunflower oil outperformed the prescription antifungal ketoconazole in treating toenail fungus (Xolegel). Therefore, the oil should be applied to the infected toenail twice daily to treat toenail fungus with ozonized oil.
12. Adjust Your Diet
Diet and health are inextricably linked: the better your diet, the more your body can fight off ailments like toenail fungus.
Make sure your body gets the nutrients it needs by consuming food:
- enough iron to prevent brittle nails
- a diet rich in essential fatty acids
- foods rich in calcium and vitamin D
- probiotic-rich yogurt
- enough protein to support nail regrowth
13. Time
Nail infections caused by fungi can sometimes heal on their own. If you’re a patient, nail infections caused by overuse of nail polish or trauma can fade away. However, depending on the severity of the disease, you may have to wait anywhere from 12 to 18 months for your nail to heal fully.
The Bottom Line
Hopefully, that shed some light on how to get rid of toenail fungus for you, if not, please keep reading.
Over-the-counter remedies may be superior to prescription medications when treating mild-to-moderate toenail fungus. As a result, there is less evidence to support the effectiveness of home remedies.
Various factors, including nail penetrability, infection severity, and overall health, must be considered when treating toenail fungus. Toenail fungus can take longer to treat with home remedies than prescription topical or oral antifungal medications. You may have to wait a few months before you see results. Re-infection is a normal part of the disease process.
Dry, clean, and trim your toenails regularly once the infection has been cleared up. Toenail fungus can be painful and damage toenails irreversibly in severe cases. See a doctor if you’ve tried home remedies that haven’t worked or have no side effects.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do you get rid of toenail fungus naturally and fast?
When it comes to treating toenail fungus infections, over-the-counter remedies usually don't work. If you have a TLD illness, you can do a few things, but they won't cure it. The antifungal medication would instead be used as prescription-strength oral and topical medications. Taking good care of one's feet and practicing good foot hygiene are essential.
What is the number one cure for toenail fungus?
Terbinafine is the best medication for treating toenail fungus. It appears to be more effective than other treatments with fewer side effects. Seventy-six percent of the time, terbinafine cures toenail fungus. Headaches, rashes, and nausea are all possible side effects. For 6 to 12 weeks, it is taken once a day.
Does toenail fungus go away?
Often, fungal nail infections are difficult to treat and do not go away without antifungal therapy. Antifungal pills taken by mouth are usually the most effective treatment for fungal nail infections. The nail can be removed entirely in severe cases by a doctor. However, the condition may persist for several months or even a year before it is completely eradicated.
How do you get toenail fungus to go away?
Toenail fungus can be treated surgically or chemically, depending on the severity of the condition. As long as you're confident that the remaining nail will grow back, you can perform this procedure on just a tiny portion of it. Temporary coverings, such as light-cured resins, or artificial nails, can keep the underlying tissue safe while the natural nail grows back.