Even though cough and cold may be minor ailments, you need to keep treating them until the symptoms subside. Otherwise, they could lead to a more dangerous disease like pneumonia or bronchitis. Dry coughs can be really irritating, impede your concentration, and are extremely uncomfortable in the middle of the night preventing you from getting good sleep. Thus, people constantly try to find an effective treatment.
However, it’s important to know that this cough syrup is only masking the problem (and not solving anything) by blocking your brain from receiving signals that stimulate coughing. Even though these syrups include two ingredients, dextromethorphan, and codeine which suppress your coughs so you can sleep better at night, they may lead to numerous side effects. These side effects often include accelerated heart rate, headaches, or drowsiness.
Honey wrap for cough is a natural alternative, extremely efficient in this case. They help you get rid of mucus from your lungs and soothe a chronic cough. Honey is great for treating the flu and cold, as well as many other health conditions. Honey wraps can be equally effective and safe in the treatments of adults and children.
How to prepare them
You will need:
- Honey
- Flour
- Olive Oil
- Gauze
- Band-Aid adhesive tape
- Napkin
This treatment is so simple, you can whip it up in no time! You just mix together some honey and flour to make a paste. Then gently apply the mixture onto your compress with a cotton ball or swab.
You should prepare it in order not to be sticky. Next, add some olive oil and roll it in the flour. Afterward, place on a napkin or cheesecloth wrap with tape for adhesion purposes.
If you use the honey wraps to alleviate your child’s symptoms, stick them three hours before bedtime and then remove them. For adults, leave them overnight. Furthermore, be sure to protect the sheets, as the person will sweat a lot due to the honey wraps.
Repeat this treatment as long as needed, in order to obtain the desired results. This method contains only natural ingredients and is entirely safe! However, pay attention if your child has some injury or skin issues.
Give this honey wrap for cough a try! Being an all-natural treatment that uses relatively little of the products in question you can be assured of safety and cost-effectiveness.