All the people who have trouble falling asleep at night often wake up in the middle of it. This is an epidemic that has been happening for decades, with many serious mental and physical conditions as well leading to insomnia. With as many as 35% of American adults suffering from symptoms of insomnia, it’s understandable that there’s a strong desire to take advantage of food and drinks for better sleep. While diet may be complex in nature there are some foods that put you to sleep instantly without any problems at all!
Stick to the late-night bites listed below, and peaceful slumber will be yours.
1. Bananas
Eat a banana before bedtime to put your body into sleep mode. Magnesium in bananas relaxes muscles and potassium prevents night cramps, but it’s also sweet so you can have the perfect balance of energy for an awesome day tomorrow!
2. Salmon
Wild-caught salmon is packed with omega 3s, vitamin B6 and melatonin. Your body needs these nutrients to cope with stress and relax! Recent studies have shown that regular consumption of fresh wild-caught Pacific sardines elevates your Vitamin D levels while providing you a good night’s sleep too!
3. Herbal tea
Herbal teas have been used to treat ailments for ages. People drink them every day and also help promote better sleep, especially before bedtime! The chamomile, in particular, soothes your brain while relaxing the rest of you – it will give you that desired nod off time after all those stressful days spent at work or school without letting anxiety get in its way. Avoid green or black teas though; they make insomnia worse instead.
4. Yogurt
Believe it or not, yogurt is one way to improve your calcium levels and prevent deficiencies. Healthy dairy foods such as cheese also help with insomnia because they provide a good night’s sleep for those who suffer from sleeplessness issues!
5. Cherries
Fresh cherry juice is a simple and quick solution to your insomnia. Nutrients in this juicy fruit boost melatonin levels, keeping you asleep at night! Cherries also regulate circadian rhythms which means they can be helpful for people suffering from sleeping disorders such as jet lag or shift work disorder. If fresh cherries aren’t available near where you live then feel free to eat them cooked – just beware that their sweet taste may mask other flavors so try mixing it up by adding some lemon juice first if needed.
6. Whole grains
Whole grains are an excellent source of magnesium. Barley and other whole grains give you enough for the day, but if they lack this mineral in your diet—especially at night when it’s harder to get sleep due to insomnia-you will find yourself dealing with all sorts of disorders like sleeping difficulties or even inadequate amounts put onto muscle mass during exercise which can lead not just poor performance on paper workouts but also decreased confidence levels because who wants that? All these things have been linked back once again to low levels including well-being so make sure to eat right!
7. Cocoa
Warm cocoa before bedtime sounds better than anything else in the world. Cocoa is rich in magnesium and tryptophan. There’s nothing more you could ask for, right?
If you have trouble sleeping, late-night snacks can help. You could have a bowl of cereal and milk or nuts and crackers with your favorite cheese for an easy bedtime snack that will keep the midnight munchies at bay! Tryptophan is important because it helps produce sleep hormones while magnesium keeps anxiety from getting out of hand during those long nights dreaming up ways to kill zombies in our dreams (or wasting away). In addition, some carbs are necessary for restful slumber including fibrous vegetables which also provide fiber needed daily intake as well as slow-release carbohydrates such as sodium found naturally occurring only.