Best Flabby Arm Exercises For Women
Every person is different and everybody is unique. However, there are certain issues that are common for lots of people. One of such issues is flabby arms. Many people have fat accumulated only in this region. The whole body is normal, but your arms may be on the heavier side. Just follow these simple exercises for arms and you will be happy you did so. There is no need to become a member of a well-known gym and burn a hole in your pocket. You can perform these exercises in your house itself, using the things available. With these flabby arm exercises, you can make your flabby arms – fabulous in just 2 months. But you need to be determined enough to do so.
What Are the Causes of Flabby Arms?
Flabby arms are often a natural result of aging. As you grow older, your skin loses elasticity and connective tissue degrades, causing a saggier appearance. Unfortunately, there’s not a whole lot you can do to remedy this unless you’re willing to undergo plastic surgery. However, there is one aspect of aging that you can fight: fat accumulation. Body fat may increase by up to 30 percent as you grow older, but you can combat this with a healthy, reduced-calorie diet and plenty of exercises.
Excess fat can cause flabby arms at any age. Based on your genetics, you may store more fat in your arms than in other areas. You can’t spot train to shave fat directly from your arms, but if you’re overweight you’ll benefit by losing fat overall. Determine your calorie needs using a calorie expenditure calculator, available free online. Then cut 500 to 1,000 calories from the daily amount required to maintain your weight, without going below 1,200 calories. Exercise five days a week in addition to your diet, and you will lose about one to two pounds every week.
When exercising one muscle, it’s important to also work the opposing muscle. Biceps oppose triceps, so do curls along with your pushups. Hold a dumbbell or unopened can of food in each hand. Sit straight in a chair with your abdominal muscles engaged, feet flat and shoulder-width apart. Raise your hands towards your shoulders by bending at the elbows. Your elbows should remain close by your sides as you lift. Lower your hands back down, and repeat for a total of 12 repetitions. Perform two to three sets.
How Can Women Get Rid of Flabby Upper Arms?
Women can get rid of flabby upper arms by using a combination of triceps exercises and general body-fat reduction. The triceps and biceps are the big muscles in the upper arm. The triceps are at the back of the upper arm and are used to straighten the elbow. This is the area where women can often develop the dreaded jiggly arms, so toning the triceps muscle can make the arms look better, providing you also keep body fat low.
To reduce fat in general you must limit your portion sizes and eat a healthy diet with lean meat and lots of fruit and vegetables. Avoid fried foods and include whole grains. Do not cut your food intake drastically, but eat sensibly and drink plenty of water. If you can reduce your calorie intake by 500 a day, that can result in losing 1 pound a week. Activities like brisk walking, swimming, and dancing will all help with general weight reduction and fat loss.
Best Exercises To Reduce Arm Fat
These exercises to reduce arm fat will target both your biceps and triceps, toning and strengthening them and increasing your overall calorie expenditure, thus promoting weight loss. The following exercises don’t require any special equipment and can be performed by anyone at any age. You need only a table or chair to tone these. It is not necessary to buy extra pairs of clothes for exercising. You can do these in your comfort, at your home. So do try these simple exercises to lose fat fast from your arms.
- Biceps Curls- Performing bicep curls are going to help you strengthen your bicep muscles and say goodbye to arm fats! You will need dumbbells when doing bicep curls. Start with lesser weights and slowly increase them whenever you feel comfortable with the current weight. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand straight with your arms at the side. Next, bend your elbows and bring the dumbbells up towards your chest while keeping your upper arms stationary. By doing so, you are contracting your bicep muscles. Slowly lower your arms down to the side. Repeat 2 sets with 15 repetitions each.
- Upright Row Dumbbell- Start off by holding one dumbbell in each hand. You should be holding the dumbbells in a forward direction where your palms are in a protonated direction. Remember to keep the distance between the two dumbbells less than the shoulders’ width and both should be above your thighs. Give a slight bend to your elbows and keep your back straight. Next, exhale and engage your side shoulders as you lift the dumbbells up to your chin. While doing so, maintain a close proximity between the dumbbells and your chest. As you inhale, slowly lower the dumbbells back into the starting position. Repeat 2 sets with 15 repetitions each.
- Triceps Kickback- Although from the side this exercise looks pretty easy, in reality, it will set your triceps on fire and help you banish that underarm fat. Triceps kickbacks belong to arm weight exercises and are usually performed with dumbbells, but you can use water bottles as weights. You can perform this exercise with one arm at a time, or both arms simultaneously.
To perform a triceps kickback, get into a split stance while standing with your knees slightly bent or kneeling. Take a weight in each hand with your palms facing each other. Lean your torso forward, until it becomes almost parallel to the ground. Make sure that your back is straight, and you engage your core. Keep your head in line with your spine and your upper arms close to your body. Breathe out and extend your arms. Your upper arm should remain still, while your forearms perform the movement. Make a small pause, breathe in and return to the initial position. That is one rep of a triceps kickback. - Triceps Extension- If your goal is to have shredded, toned arms, triceps extensions are perfect for that! Strengthening your tricep muscles, will also help to improve strength and stability in your chest, back, and shoulders.nThe overhead triceps extension is an isolation exercise. Essentially, it engages your tricep muscles by repetitively flexing the elbow joint against resistance. Hold a dumbbell with both hands and have your feet shoulder-width apart. Remember to keep your core tight throughout the exercise. Next, lift the dumbbell up until your elbows are extended and pointing forward. Your palms should be facing the roof at this point. This is your starting position. Slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head by bending the elbows until your forearms touch your biceps. Make sure to keep your elbows as still as possible because you want to isolate your tricep muscles. Slowly lift the dumbbell up into the starting position and hold for a beat before repeating. Repeat 2 sets, 15 repetitions each set.
- Reverse Fly- The reverse fly is an effective exercise that can help strengthen the rear shoulders and major muscles in the upper back. If you find yourself having backaches from constantly slouching over computers or driving too much, this exercise is great to reduce pain by improving your posture. You only need dumbbells for this exercise so you can either do it in the gym or in your own home. Begin by standing shoulder-width apart with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing each other. Slightly bend your knees while pressing your hips back and allow your body to move forward almost parallel to the floor. Remember to keep your core tight, back straight, and chin tucked as you do so. This helps to prevent the common mistake of rounding the back which places pressure on the lumbar spine. As you exhale, slowly raise both arms out to the side. Squeeze the shoulder blades together without hunching your shoulders up. Hold for a beat and inhale as you lower your arms back to starting position. Perform 2 sets with 15 repetitions each.
- Triceps Dips- Triceps dips are perfect for targeting your tricep muscles in your upper arms, sculpting toned arms, and building shoulder strength. You can also include this in your upper body workout routines too! For this exercise, you will need a chair or a bench. Place your hands at least shoulder-width apart. Lift your hip off and away from the bench with legs extended out. At this point, your arms should be straightened with only a slight bend in your elbows. It will help to engage your triceps and relieve pressure from your elbow joints. This is your starting position. Slowly bend your elbows to bring your body towards the floor while keeping your back close to the bench. Once your elbows bend until 90 degrees with the bench, press your palms down into the bench and slowly straighten your elbows to return back to starting position. Perform 2 sets with 15 repetitions in each set.
- Push-Ups- Push-ups are great for arm strengthening while building strong core muscles. To begin, place your palms on the floor with your fingers pointing forward. The distance between your palms should be slightly wider than your shoulders. Transfer your weight to your arms and straighten your legs behind with shoulders’ width apart. Bend your elbows and bring your chest just slightly off the floor. Hold for 1-2 seconds before straightening your elbows and pushing yourself back up. When performing push-ups, look slightly forward and keep your core muscles tight. For the elbows, remember to keep them close to your body with your backs and hips as straight as possible. It’s recommended that you use an exercise mat for this. Repeat 2 sets with 15 repetitions each.
You may be putting sufficient effort and time into these arm exercises. However, performing them with the correct form is key to creating results! Without using the proper form, you may work the wrong muscles and risk getting injured. What all these exercises have in common is to always keep the core tight while performing them.
As for the weights, remember to not choose weights heavier than you can handle till the point you compromise your form. Remember, it’s worth your time to use lighter weights than to exercise with the wrong form.