For many of us, coffee is an integral part of our daily routine – whether it be as a morning pick me up, meeting go-to, or post-meal espresso. You may be surprised to learn what happens in the minutes and hours after you drink a cup of coffee. Get ready — some of these may surprise you!
10 Minutes:
- The caffeine enters your bloodstream.
- Your heart rate and blood pressure begin to rise.
20 Minutes:
- Your focus improves and you begin to feel more alert.
- Your decision-making process is sped up.
- The caffeine begins to make you feel less tired by connecting to your brain’s adenosine receptors.
30 Minutes:
- Your body begins to produce more adrenaline.
- Your pupils dilate thus leading to sharper vision.
40 Minutes:
The serotonin in your body rises, improving the function of the motor neurons, thereby temporarily increasing muscle strength.
4 Hours:
- Coffee increases the rate that your cells release energy.
- Your body starts to break down fats, even when standing still.
- The coffee stimulates the production of stomach acids.
6 Hours:
- The caffeine in the coffee causes a diuretic effect, leading to dehydration.
- Your body loses water and essential vitamins and minerals.
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