The Best Toothpaste for Braces
The best way to maintain your oral health while wearing braces or Invisalign is by checking with an orthodontist and getting the proper tools. There’s no specific toothpaste for this, but there are certain types that will be better suited towards those who have just begun their treatment plan (or soon might). Read on to learn what’s the best toothpaste for braces or Invisalign.
What Kind of Toothpaste to Use With Braces
Fluoride Toothpaste
When selecting toothpaste to use while wearing braces, the most important thing is that it contains fluoride. This mineral can be found naturally in your teeth and bones as well making dental products with this ingredient very helpful for maintaining oral health. In addition, I would also recommend using mouthwash which has been shown time after again when fighting against cavity or gum disease due to its strong anti-plaque properties among other things.
Sensitivity Protection Toothpaste
When you receive orthodontic treatment, your teeth and mouth are arranged in a manner that was not naturally occurring. There will often be new sensations during this process which can make eating or talking difficult at times if they last more than one week after an appointment with the doctor who performs this type of work; However, it’s possible to find over-the-counter remedies such as sensitivity toothpaste for those suffering from prolonged pain due to discomfort caused by braces.
Toothpaste Recommendations for Braces
If your preferred toothpaste already checks all the boxes we talked about earlier, then great! However, if you’re looking for a place to start out finding a new toothpaste brand to use, try some of these top dental recommendations:
- Sensodyne Pronamel Daily Protection Enamel Toothpaste
- Crest Toothpaste Gum Detoxify Deep Clean
- Colgate Total Toothpaste
- Colgate Cavity Protection Toothpaste with Fluoride