These quotes about the universe can help you think outside the box if you’re looking for a deeper meaning. In a universe full of color, planets, and stars, it is a wonderland. To put things into perspective, consider how vast the universe is and how small our wonderful planet is.
It might be difficult to look beyond our immediate surroundings or even our own lives at times, but these encouraging quotations about the universe can serve as a boost to your ability to do just that. Creative and imaginative thinking improves your problem-solving abilities; you learn to think on your own, and you become more capable of coming up with new ideas.
To share with you, We’ve compiled a vast collection of universe quotes, deep universe quotes, universe sayings, universe proverbs, and inspirational universe quotes.
1. “As far as I’m concerned there are only two things that are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. ”
2. “It is impossible for there to be more than one of anything. A jigsaw puzzle has to be completed by everyone here, and each piece has a certain role to play. ”
3. “It’s all about energy, frequency, and vibrations if you want to discover the mysteries of the universe.”
4. ‘The universe is a living entity, and it will always support you if you ask and trust in him. ”
5. ‘You can be guaranteed of improving only one part of the universe: your own self.”
6. “The universe’s imagination is always wider than our human imaginations.”
7. “It is impossible to find somebody more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, no matter how much searching you do throughout the universe.” “You deserve your love and affection just as much as everyone else in the entire globe.”
8. “You are not being punished by the universe. You are not being blessed by it. It doesn’t have any power over you. It’s picking up on your energy. Think happy, and you’ll get what you’re looking for. Think negatively, and you’ll attract negativity. We get back what we put out into the universe in the form of an echo.
9. “There have been other Buddhas before me, and there will be more in the future. According to the Dharma: “In time, there will be another Buddha; one who is holy, wise in conduct and auspicious; who knows the universe; who is an unsurpassed leader of men; and who is master over the heavens and the earth.”
10. “We already possess all cosmic powers. We are the ones that cry out in the dark.
11. “I am always seeking to be open to what the universe brings me.”
12. “God of the Universe never rushes, and his designs are never rushed.”
13. “The universe is a stream. The river flows on. You can be joyful or unhappy, nice or awful; it just keeps flowing. Some folks cry in the river. The river doesn’t care; it just continues flowing. We may either use it and appreciate it or drown in it. The river, like the universe, keeps running because it is impersonal. Our universe can either support or kill us. Our interpretation and application of the laws decide our outcomes.”
14. “Look up at the stars, not down. Make sense of what you observe and wonder about the universe’s existence. “Wait.”
15. “Trying to understand the universe makes me believe that it all makes sense at some level.”
16. “Whatever fate took from you, it rescued you from pain.”
17. “The physical universe and its fanciful scenery.”
18. “We already possess all cosmic powers. We are the ones that scream out in the dark.”
19. “If we uncover a full theory, it should be understood by everyone, not only scientists. Then philosophers, scientists, and regular people alike will be able to discuss why we and the universe exist. That would be the ultimate victory of human reason – knowing God’s mind.”
20. “Don’t be lonely, the universe is inside you.”
21. “A friendly universe that always provides for me.”
22. “It’s okay if others go since they always do, but our love is true, and here I am showing everyone you as my triumph.”
23. “The infinite unending love that surrounds me as a million suns calls me on throughout the universe.”
24. “As a wave is continuous with the ocean, so are you and I.”
25. “When a person truly desires something, the universe conspires to help him achieve it.”
26. “I’m confident there’s intelligent life out there. It’s just too smart to come here.”
27. “Lookup. Not alone. The universe is benevolent and conspires to help those who dream and work.
28. “This infinite silence disturbs me.”
29. “Lookup. Not alone. The universe is benevolent and conspires to help those who dream and work.”
30. “Never give up! Not yet. A perfect world. Every setback contains the seeds of a resurgence.”
31. “Believe it or not, the universe is changing.” Because by believing, you’ve changed. Other things begin to alter once you’ve changed. Isn’t that how things go?”
32. “We must not look around with awe at the universe and derision at the man; for man, who can comprehend the universe and its laws, is greater than the universe, which cannot comprehend itself.”
33. “Our planet is a solitary speck amid the vast cosmic darkness.” There is no sign that rescue will arrive from outside to save us from ourselves in our obscurity, in all this immensity.”
34. “Do you believe the universe is fighting for souls to unite?” Some things are far too unusual and powerful to be coincidences.”
35. “There is no such thing as perfection in the universe.” There is no such thing as perfection….. Neither you nor I would exist if we didn’t have flaws.”
36. “Follow your bliss, and the universe will open doors where only walls were.”
37. “The universe appears impartial, neither benevolent nor hostile.”
38. “Remind yourself of the universe by looking up at the sky.” Seek for grandeur whenever possible so that you can see how small you are.”
39. “The entire universe surrenders to the mind that is still.”
40. “I’m sure you could find all of the universe’s mysteries in someone’s hand at times.”
41. “Don’t be concerned if others believe you’re insane. You’ve gone completely insane. You have that enticing craziness that allows others to dream beyond the lines and become who they were meant to be.
42. “I recognize that much of the structure and plan of the universe is beyond my comprehension and unlike anything I’ve seen or experienced on this planet. I am astounded by the intelligence and meticulous attention to detail, the accuracy demonstrated by the workings of this vast and sometimes hidden entity of which we are all apart.
43. “We’re merely a species of advanced monkeys living on a minor planet orbiting a common star.” The universe, however, is something we can comprehend. As a result, we’re unique.”
44. “The vast soul who sits atop the throne of the universe is not, has never been, and will never be in a hurry.”
45. “Philosophy is written in this great book, the universe, which remains accessible to our gaze at all times. The book, however, cannot be understood until the reader first learns to understand the language and decipher the letters that make it up.”
46. “How did we end up here? Why do you and I, out of all the people on the earth, seek solace from each other? I’m not sure. But I believe the universe purposefully brought us together. That we’re expected to assist one another in becoming the persons we’ve always been meant to be.”
47. “You should see some of the others if you believe the universe is horrible.”
48. “For those who have eyes and ears, the visible world is a daily wonder.”
49. “The universe’s creator has a peculiar method of working. However, he counts in base ten and prefers large, round numbers.”
50. “Every praying mother bears the weight of the universe.”
51. “You are a universe within a universe. You are the birthplace of galaxies. Don’t be constrained by the viewpoints of those who only have a rudimentary understanding of the moon.”
52. “You are going for the farthest object out there when you reach for the stars.” It’s the same thing when you reach deep within yourself but in the opposite direction. You will have spanned the universe if you reach in both directions.
53. “The human brain contains 100 billion neurons, each of which is connected to 10,000 others. “The most intricate item in the known universe is sitting on your shoulders.”
54. “Planet Earth is thought to have a nine-billion-year lifespan. And here we are, right in the center of our lives. For 4.5 billion years, we’ve been a part of the universe. As a result, that should be significant. “We should take a look back and see where we’ve come from and where we’re headed.”
55. “If the entire universe has no meaning, we should never have discovered it; similarly, if the universe had no light and thus no creatures with eyes, we would never have known it was dark.” “Dark would be a meaningless word.”
56. “We are the universe awakened, and life is the means by which the universe comprehends itself”
57. ‘All things in the universe are connected, from insects to archangels, sand grains to mountains, raindrops to rainbows, pebbles on beaches to the sun that pierces through the heavens, the zephyr that sings among the flowers of the field, oceans that pour out their wild bass into nature’s great anthem, everything is connected.”
“It’s not just that everything is interconnected; events are concatenated to the point that no single occurrence can be isolated from the others. Just as each new event inherits some of its characteristics from those that came before it, so too does each new occurrence pass on the combined good and bad of its predecessors.”
“Thus, the single event may continue to influence the course of history, assuming different forms or even clothing itself in the drapery of other events, as time progresses.”
58. “There are 100 billion galaxies in the universe. There are around 100 billion stars in each of these galaxies. Consider how many stars, planets, and different types of life there could be in this huge and amazing universe.”
59. “The fate of the universe is yet to be decided, one that will be wisely considered when the time comes.”
60. “The purpose of existence is to have your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to have your essence fit the nature of the universe.”
61. “Follow your pleasure, and the universe will open doors where there were barriers.”
62. I don’t believe, as religion holds, that this wonderful world, with its vast expanse of time and space, diverse species of creatures, and the many planets and atoms it contains, can only serve as a theater for God to watch humanity battle between good and evil. The play has no place on this stage.”
63. “The world does not owe an explanation to you.”
64. “I am” is a powerful term. We’re letting the world know who we are.”
65. “The universe constantly sends us sensory information, which we can never exactly decode.”
66. “It’s easy for you to think that only people like you exist, but if you follow someone else’s path, you’ll discover new things.”
67. “Continue to give your heart, and I guarantee that when the moment is right, I will deliver you the most incredible love. Insist on it.”
68. “Music by Mozart reflects the inner beauty of the universe since it is so pure and beautiful. ”
69. “It’s painful to be kind.” Having a strong sense of interconnectedness might lead to a strong sense of personal accountability. You can’t look away, either. Because of this, your fate is intertwined with the fates of others. Either you learn to carry the universe, or you’re crushed under the weight of its might. The only way to face the world’s worst atrocities is by becoming strong enough to love it while remaining empty of all attachment.”
70. “In the end, the mysteries of the universe are etched on the cells of your body”
71. “I adore being willing to consider new ideas with an open mind. Knowing that the universe and our existence are not restricted to what I can comprehend is a liberating experience.”
72. “There are billions and billions of transactions taking place in the universe every second. All of it, from the planet to the decaying leaf, is pulsing with reciprocity. The vapor ascends the sunbeam and returns to the weary herb in blessings. The ocean receives the plant’s exhaled. And thus nature’s lovely trade goes on. This is all due to the fact that no one item is sufficient in and of itself; rather, each object needs the support of another and returns the favor by making a contribution of its own.”
73. “It is possible for the universe to be created from nothing because of a rule of gravity.”
74. “There is a law that governs everything and everyone that exists or lives in the universe. Because no blind law can guide the action of live creatures, this is not a blind law”
75. ‘There are a million universes out there, so keep your soul calm and collected.”
76. “Fate’s power is magnificent! Connecting and signaling each other through the vastness of the world, as if there is an antenna in our heads In the belief that we should all know and meet up at a pre-determined location.”
77. “The universe pauses when two soulful individuals meet! ”
78. “In order to grasp the Universe, I don’t pretend to know everything about it; it’s a lot bigger than I am. ”
79. “It’s time to make a dent in the universe.”
80. “The most beautiful thing in the universe is the divine beauty of the universe, which is organic completeness.”
81. “When we recognize that we are starseeds and that our minds can grasp universal rules, rather than being overwhelmed by the vastness of space and time, I believe this can be a profound experience for scientists, almost on par with religious awakening.”
“Before the formation of the solar system, the atoms that make up our bodies were forged on the anvil of nucleo-synthesis in an exploding star. Our atoms predate the mountains by millions of years. We’re formed of stardust, literally. In turn, these atoms have now formed intelligent individuals capable of comprehending the global principles regulating that occurrence.”
82. “According to Einstein: “We can imagine that everything began with one single atom, the mass of which equals the entire universe’s mass.” Through some sort of extremely radioactive mechanism, this extremely unstable atom would break down and produce ever-smaller constituent atoms.”
83. “If only for a little time, or for the duration of a single galaxy’s blinking, keep up the excellent work.”
84. ‘Love is who we are. Let’s find ourselves in it.” 84. We are all one. We are meant to love ourselves. We were created to care for one another. That is why it is so important to Love: “Love is all there is in this universe.”
85. “Look deep into nature, and then you will comprehend everything”
86. “A moth-eaten universe curtain reveals just mask and ghost now.”
87. “The universe aimed low and settled for very little if our species is alone in the universe.”
88. “Everyone has a little sun and moon in them. Human, female, and animal traits exist in everyone. They have darks and brightness. Everyone is interconnected. With a bit of salt and dust in them. Our inner universe resembles the outer universe. We aren’t all black or white, or always right or never wrong. Nobody. Nobody is without polarities. Everyone has good and negative forces operating for, against, and within.”
89. “You activate the law of attraction with your thoughts.”
90. “I believe the universe is a greater power. The universe was never formed, I tell religious people. The Big Bang theory assumes that the universe is growing currently.”
The universe appears to shrink as the tape is reversed. In the end, the universe must be one point. That’s the theory. But what if the universe hasn’t always grown? Inhaling now, exhaling trillions of years ago, what if it’s pulsating?
91. “Don’t you realize your joy makes the universe happy?”
92. ‘Is it possible to “know” the universe? Walking through Chinatown is difficult enough.”
93. “I look out into the universe and see a universe, a variation in unity. That there is one Infinite and Eternal Energy from which all things flow is evident to me. Also, it appears to me that this Energy is an intellectual Energy, i.e. that the physical events of the universe are intellectually linked. The scientist discovers relationships, not creates them. They exist; he finds them. After God, all science thinks. There are intellectual relationships that have existed and are embodied in creation that can be found.”
94. “The universe, spirits, and consciousness are topics I need more people to discourse about for hours on end.”
95. “The universe would forsake us if everything was random. but the universe does. It protects its most delicate creations in ways we cannot perceive. just like your unconditionally adoring parents and a human big sister who resents you. that gravelly-voiced youngster whose buddies abandoned him. an orange-haired girl has your photo in her wallet. In the end, the universe evens everything out. “The universe feeds its birds.”
96. “A simple act of kindness, love, and care can have a profound impact on every life on the planet.”
97. “All souls call my life home. We are stars’ children, galaxies learning to walk, forever at home.”
98. “Passion is heartfelt joy. The sensation that God and the universe are guiding you.”
99. “The universe, the hell we see with all its beauty, breadth, and majesty, is merely a part of an incomprehensible whole, which may be redeemed – I hope so.”
100. “Atoms and molecules make up only 4% of our universe. It’s in forms we don’t recognize.
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