Full Body Workout That Will Track Summer Body Fast
You’ll be in shape before the summer ends with this summer body fast full-body workout. Give it your all and you’ll feel sexy, confident flaunting that bikini.
DB Squat and Press
This is another great combo for adding some endurance to your workout.
- Take a deep breath and brace yourself. In one fluid motion, bring the weights up to shoulder level while maintaining an upright posture with a straight spine (don’t bend at knees or hips). Once there slowly release them back down again so that they hang naturally around your hands – don’t let go until you feel tension throughout muscles fibers.
- As you lower your body, contract the muscles in the front and back of each leg to help push yourself down. Hold for 1-2 seconds at first then work towards holding it long as possible.
- As you explode upwards, squeeze your leg and core muscles to raise yourself. Press the weights above the head as if pushing on a doorbell to signal that this is one rep.
DB Skull Crusher
Skullcrushers are an excellent way to get your triceps pumped with light weights.
- Lie flat on a bench or on the floor with your knees bent or over the end of the bench.
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand straight out in front of you.
- Keeping your elbows at 90 degrees, slowly lower the dumbbells towards you until they are close to touching.
- With a slow, calm motion bring the weights out in front of you and tense your triceps to complete this exercise.
Squat DB Oblique Raises
This is a great workout for your entire body. It’ll hit everything from legs to shoulders and arms with one motion.
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Keeping everything square, bend at the knees so that you can fit into this position; keeping weight centered over feet — it should be easy to do without having much effort put forth yet. Once there take up space by pushing against the floor—this will help prepare yourself for going even deeper later on when we start working our way back upward again.
- As you contract your glutes and push up with all of the power in them, use that momentum to raise both hands into a position front-and side. As this is happening twist at one point so as not only do they rise but also turn around for an added challenge. Hold tightly on top while keeping good posture or perform another set of reps until fatigue sets in then switch sides.
- As you slowly reverse the movement, bring your arms towards yourself and twist forwards while lowering down into a squat.
- Repeat, twisting to the other direction.
DB Pec Fly
Pec flys are a great way to hit the center of your chest.
- Lie down on a bench or floor with hands placed shoulder-width apart and lift one leg at a time until it is horizontal. Repeat for another side.
- Lie down on a bench with your hands at shoulder height and position yourself so that you are laying lengthwise across it. Place one hand flat against the ground for stability, then use this as leverage to lift up into an elbow bar pose while keeping other arms in place by planting firmly onto respective sides of the body -or keep them raised above the head if possible.
- With a slight bend in your elbows, slowly open up your arms to give the skin time on both sides of it plenty of cushioning as you extend them forward from their previous position.
- Gently tense your chest to bring the two weights back up in the air and together, holding for 2-3 seconds. Contracting only happens at this point; not anywhere else on the body.
Bent-Over Standing DB Rows
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand.
- Bend forward, keeping your spine in a neutral position.
- With your core tight and both arms raised up towards the sky, hold at the top for two to three seconds.
- Slowly lower the dumbbells back down.
Side DB Raise
The side raise is a great exercise for working the middle section of your shoulders.
- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell by side, using an overhand grip so that it is just outside of your hips. Your hands should be about waist high when holding the weight for this exercise.
- In this exercise, you will brace yourself by contracting your core and tensing one arm so it is straight out to the side with your palm facing down. Hold for 2-3 seconds before relaxing back into an upright position.
- Slowly lower the dumbbell back to your side.
- Repeat with the other arm.
Tricep DB Flickbacks
Tricep kickbacks are an excellent way to hit your triceps with light weights.
- Place one knee on a bench so that the lower leg can rest comfortably.
- When sitting on a bench, place your hand below shoulder level and close enough so that you can easily reach it with both arms. Make sure not to slouch or lean too far forward as this may cause back pain.
- Hold a dumbbell in your other hand, placing it on the bench.
- Keeping one arm flat on the floor, raise your other so that it makes an angle of 90 degrees with its opposite side.
- Keeping your upper arm in position, tense the tricep of one side while sending an exercise ball up behind you.
- Let the dumbbell come down slowly until your elbow is back in a 90-degree position.
- Repeat on the other side.
High Plank DB Row and Pushup
This exercise group helps to work out your chest and back whilst giving your abs a tough time.
- Hold a high plank with hands supporting the weight of dumbbells. Keep your spine in a neutral position and try to maintain this throughout the move for the best results.
- As you tense your lats, be sure to keep a tight core. This will help engage all of the muscles in front and back so that they work together as one unit.
- After doing one row for each side, lower yourself into a push-up.
DB Step Ups
Step-ups are a fantastic way to target your quads and glutes.
- The first step is to find a platform, bench, or chair and place one foot on it. Hold the dumbbells in each hand for added resistance while doing this maneuver so that you can work out your arms as well.
- Keep one leg elevated, squeeze your quads, and raise yourself up on the platform.
- Slowly release and lower yourself back down.
- Repeat for the other leg.
Goblet Squat
The goblet squat is a great exercise to do if you want an upper body workout without the added difficulty of having weights. It’s easier, so it brings your muscles into growth mode while still being effective at building them up.
- Hold the weights with both hands and keep them close to your body. Keep one leg slightly farther out than the other, so that it’s just wider then shoulder-width apart for reps until comfortable before switching sides or adding more weight if needed.
- Squatting with a sumo style is an excellent way to work your glutes and strengthen them. This particular exercise should be done slowly, lowering down until you feel comfortable; then driving up through heels while keeping weight centered over feet – not allowing it to lean forward or backside gets hit first.
- The farther away from your body you hold the weight, the more difficult squats will be.