The world we live in is fast-paced, and we all seem to be in a hurry.
In a hurry to get where we’re going.
In a hurry to be successful.
In a hurry to get things done.
We become disappointed when things don’t go our way and when we don’t receive the immediate gratification we desire when you desire it.
The truth is…
Life is a race and we are afraid of being left behind.
It seems that the age of achievement has decreased.
Teenagers are developing codes and selling websites. And, if you buy into the hype that social media encourages us to believe…by the time you are 25, you’re supposed to own your own company or be an accomplished musician who has traveled the world.
People are doing too much in too little time. Only some people that is.
This is what is scaring us so much. If you’re 25 and you’re still working a 9-5 job, you have a feeling of worthlessness. All of your friends are getting married and posting pictures on social media of their honeymoon to Costa Rica or some exotic destination that you can’t even afford to think about for the next 3 years. We think our time is running out and that the world is passing us by. Some find themselves struggling to even get out of bed in the morning.
It’s time to relax. Take a deep breath and stop comparing yourself to others. The world is full of different kinds of people. Some become successful early in life and some not until later. There are couples who get married at 25 but divorced by 30, and those who find love at 40 that lasts forever. Henry Ford was 45 when he designed his revolutionary Model T automobile. Here is a simple WhatsApp forward message that makes so much sense:
“You are unique, don’t compare yourself to others.”
There could be someone who graduates at the age of 22, but waits 5 years before procuring a secure job, and another person who graduates at 27 and finds secure employment immediately. There could be someone who becomes CEO at the age of 25 and dies when they’re 50, and another who becomes CEO at the age of 50 and lives until they’re 90-years-old.
Each individual lives and works based on their individual ‘time zone’. People can only have their lives worked out according to their own pace.
It’s important that you live according to your ‘time zone’.
Your friends, colleagues, people younger than you, may ‘seem’ to be ahead of you, and some might ‘seem’ behind you. Everyone in this world is living their lives and running their own race, on their own time. God has a different plan for everybody. The difference is in the timing.
Achieving success early does not guarantee a happy life. You could open a company at the age of 25, but be bankrupt by 30 if the company fails. Or, you may find success at 40, and possibly be more equipped to handle it then. Whatever happens, whenever it happens, there is a reason for it.
Maybe you lose a job…but it turns out the job wasn’t right for you anyway. Maybe you are meant to hone your skills for something better at another time in life. No time is the right time. Things get done when we are ready to get them done. If it doesn’t happen for you, this means that it was not supposed to happen at that time. There is no point in worrying or feeling envious of someone else.
Our time should be spent polishing OUR personality, gaining new knowledge and skills, learning a new language, and focusing on creating your future self. The one who is ready to capitalize on the opportunity when it comes their way.
Create the personality that will complement your success. Work toward your personal goals, at your own pace. Everyone has their own personal timeline. Maybe you are meant to do something down the road when you are older and wiser. Be ready for that day when it comes. Do not drown yourself in sorrows and alcohol waiting for the opportunity to strike.
Imagine the regret you would feel missing that opportunity. Does it make you sick inside? It should.
Remember, if today is not your day, maybe tomorrow is. Don’t stop living life to the fullest just because it’s not happening now. What is meant to be will come in your time zone – no one else’s.
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