These Life Hacks For Parents Are Genius
Look, there’s no sugar coating it. Being a parent can be tough.
Fortunately, for most of us, even the most challenging of days can be turned around with a few minutes of silence, wine, and a mindless scroll through social media that reveals the holy grail of parenting tips and tricks.
Thanks to the wisdom and ingenuity of parents all over the world, I’ve taken it upon myself to become your “life hack beta tester”….so, without further ado, here are my picks for some of the top parenting tips and tricks that the internet has to offer.
*Note that most of these won’t be life changing, though putting forth the DIY effort alone will leave you feeling like you’re crushing the parent game.
Clean Pacifiers
Keeping pacifiers clean can be a constant struggle. But if you have a couple of extra portion cups lying around, store extra pacifiers in them for easy, clean, worry-free storage.
Laundry Basket Bathtub Helper
Use a laundry basket in the tub to keep toys from floating too far away, and your little one from trying to swim before he’s ready.
Lock-Safe Rubber Bands
Worried your kids will get themselves locked in a room? Use a rubber band like this.
No Drip Snacks
To prevent sticky fingers, put a cupcake liner on a popsicle stick to keep it from dripping.
No-Mess Creativity
Let your baby create beautiful (clean) designs by adding dollops of paint to ziplock bags.
Coloring Box
Some kids like to draw all over the walls, no matter how beautiful or freshly painted they are. To avoid this, put him or her in a tiny, disposable room to color to their heart’s content.
And For When The Creativity Gets Messy, Remove Crayon with WD-40
If your little Picasso gets creative on on the walls or floor, spray some WD-40 on the marks and wipe with a clean rag.
Safety Bracelet
Losing a child is a terrifying and very real possibility for every parent. If you’re headed out to a mall, zoo, or other crowded place with your little ones, give them a bracelet with your phone number in case you get separated.
Pool Noodles For Bedtime Security
Worried that your child will fall off the bed? Put a pool noodle beneath the fitted sheets to prevent that from happening.
Or, as to Prevent Fingers From Being Slammed In Doors. Use a bit of pool noodle to keep kids from slamming their fingers in the door.
Toilet Paper Guide
Worried your kids are using way too much toilet paper? Leave a marker on the wall for them to measure.
Fitted Sheet Awning
Want to take your kid outside but worried about sunlight and bugs? Use a fitted bed sheet to cover the crib!
If you found these tips helpful, please share them with your friends and family by clicking the button below!