The price of sitting and standing can be back pain. Back pain is a terrible thing to experience, and unfortunately, about 31 million Americans experience lower back pain, making it a common affliction that requires care and diligence to eliminate. There are many different triggers for back pain such as exercising, lifting heavy objects, or sitting too long.
Don’t settle for a life of back pain. These 7 stretches in 7 minutes will get rid of your lower-back aches and pains in no time!
The following stretches will help keep your back fit and strong.
1. Forward bend
This stretch is for sudden or unusual back pain. Place a chair as high as your hip in front of you and step away from it just enough so that the top edge hits at about waist height. Bend forward until headrests on this surface, hold the position for 1 minute then release.
2. Hip Flexor Lunge
Sometimes, tight hips can be the cause of back pain and this stretch will help you fix that. Place your right foot forward and lower left knee to the floor. It is very similar to a lunge position with one leg in front of another. Stretch out the other leg as far backward possible while remaining upright for 30 seconds or so before switching legs again!
3. Quad Stretch
We’ll stretch out those quads to make sure they don’t give you back pain. Lay down on the ground and bend your right knee so it’s up in the air but keep that left leg pressed against your body. Next, take a look at this – reach towards your ankle with one hand while hugging that bent knee into yourself tightly! Pull for 30 seconds then switch sides twice more!
4. Knee to chest stretch
Lie down on your back and stretch out those legs. Bend left knee so it’s close to you, grab the leg with both hands, and pull in towards your chest until you feel a nice 30-second burn! Repeat this process for the right side too.
5. Supine Twist
This stretch is very beneficial for treating your low back pain. Lie down on the floor and cross one leg over another like a pretzel, then turn to face in any direction you’d like! Make sure both legs stay straight through this entire exercise otherwise it will be too challenging or easy (whichever that may be).
6. Hamstring stretch
Lie down on the back and bend your left knee, but keep your foot firmly planted. Place hands at the back of your leg, right above where it bends at a 90-degree angle. Now lift up that other leg way higher than you can handle before holding for 30 seconds like an awkward flamingo bird (it’s all about balance here). Return to original posture and switch legs when ready!
7. Figure four stretch
Lie down on your back then bend the left knee. Raise the right leg to the chest and place it over the bent knee, letting that fall to the side of the body for 30 seconds before repeating with the other leg.
Try these 7 stretches in 7 minutes for your back pain and tell us how you feel in the comments. Don’t forget to share this article with other back pain sufferers in need!